This year I hope to compete in the following races in 2012..
Heart Mini in Cincinnati, March 18th - 15k run
Warrior Dash in Logan,OH June 2nd
Giant Eagle Triathlon at Alum Creek - July 29 - Sprint or Olympic distance
Columbus 1/2 Marathon, Columbus OH, Oct 21st
Butter's Beer and Burrito Bash (run a mile, chug a PBR beer and eat a Chipolte burrito and run another mile to the finish!) - no date set yet
And one (or both?) of these half ironman events...
Deer Field Creek, Mt. Sterling OH - September 23rd
Great Buckeye Challenge, Springfield, OH - Aug26th
I am not sure what to say about training. I joined the gym in early November and I wish I could say that I have utilized it to be in great shape, but.. I'm not. I'm trying to figure out if I'm in better shape than I was in November and I guess I can say Yes, I am. So that's probably worth the $183 dollars that I have put into it by now, right? Hmm.. maybe... I ran 5.25 miles today! I'm not quite sure where that puts me, compared to my previous half ironman training. When I do 9 miles next month, that will be huge though. In training for my previous (and only) half ironman, I only reached 9 miles once in training. So to get to 9 miles this early will be awesome! Sadly, I'm not nearly where I wanted to be on the bike, but since I committed to the March 18th race, I've concentrated more on the running obviously. And I will definitely be out there on the bike this summer for sure. It will just be more interesting working everything into my schedule as I am seeing someone currently, where during my previous training, I wasn't. So I need to make sure I can work in the training and commit enough time to the relationship ('cause I really do enjoy the relationship!). So we will see how it goes.. For now, I'm happy that I had a great run today (the best run in a very long time!) and think that the 9 miles in March might actually be a possibility.
I totally would do the Butter's Beer and Burrito!! Hahaha. That should be on the top of the list!!
Ha.. Yep..Hey, come down and do it! :)
It was funny.. I was just at the bar with my sister last year and they had set up a bunch of PBR and burritos on a table and then all of a sudden a bunch of runners came in as part of the race. Was quite the surprise.. Ha.. Can't wait to try it.. That 2nd leg will be rough though!
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